Design in HTML/CSS
Friend of mine was mentioning how some companies are looking to dump Figma in favour of Replit. It reminded me of this old blog post from the (now retired) Signal vs Noise by Basecamp.
Note, this is from 2008 when people made website designs in Photoshop. However, this applies to design tools today as well. Some of the complaints in this post are alleviated in modern tooling (like collaboration). The core idea of using the actual medium to make designs is still hugely valuable.
If you are hiring a designer, I’d highly recommend getting someone who can prototype in HTML/CSS (and perhaps React so they can use the prescribed design library alongside). Nothing like the real thing. Nothing like being able to squeeze that browser window to see if it works on a smaller screen.
Most importantly, there will be no ambiguity when it comes to deploying to production. Developer just has to wire it up and it’ll work just like the designer thought it would.
Skip the tools, go straight to the medium that customers experience the product in.
Strategy vs Planning
Good video on the differences.
Writing software at an enterprise require different architecture tradeoffs
This post delves into balancing autonomy and consistency, why duplication isn’t always bad, and how simplicity can outshine forced uniformity. It offers practical principles for creating systems that adapt and thrive in complex environments.
I moved to WordPress
I’ve been writing a blog since I’ve been in high-school. At first, it was fun to make websites and be part of the Internet (this was pre-Facebook). I was in love with my monochromatic colour palettes. The posts… well, they were the voice of my teenage brain — scattered and overly sassy. I continued to…
Allow projects to have exploration time
We’ve been working on some terrific discovery stage projects in my team. We are all super pumped about it. Team has come up with some fresh ideas and a vision to execute on. However, we are very much seasoned in working within fixed structured, mature projects. Usually, we either work on small pieces or large…
How neural networks and LLMs work?
If you are looking to dive into machine learning, how neural networks and LLMs work underneath, this is a really good YouTube course to watch.
Really good chapters list:
- But what is a neural network?
- Gradient descent, how neural networks learn
- What is backpropagation really doing?
- Backpropagation calculus
- How large language models work, a visual intro to transformers
- Attention in transformers, visually explained
- How might LLMs store facts
Difficult job of focusing in a large organisation
It is time to work through our division operating plan for 2025. We’ve had many hours of discussions around which customers to focus on, volatility in the market, where we should build trust with customers and what kind of initiatives will amount to strong growth. I find it energising to spend time thinking about these.…
Investing to catchup vs leapfrog
It helps to find your own path to success. Good read about investing on catchup vs investing to leapfrog.
…if your competitor’s boat gets ahead of you at the starting line, the instinct is to chase it. To tack where it tacks on the same path. But if you do, you will always be behind, because you will be sailing on the same path, subject to the same wind. And in fact for much of the time, you will be sailing in its ‘dirty air’ — i.e., it gets the full wind in its sails, which breaks the wind diminishing its effect on your sails. Your only hope is for the leader to make a terrible blunder. Otherwise, you will race for hours and hours, tacking dutifully behind the leader and crossing the finish line behind.
Can AI make art?
Fantastic article on The New Yorker on “Why AI Isn’t Going to Make Art“. Thought provoking and plenty of good threads to reflect on.
Article dives into the need to make so many little decisions in order to create something of value. With a prompt, the amount of decisions made are minuscule.
Even with code generators like Github CoPilot, this has been the issue. LLMs can generate basic code really quickly. It is certainly a great tool for picking up programming or learning a new language. Perhaps it will make a mid-level engineer efficient by 2-3%. However, for a competent coder, it offers little in the way to help solve actual problems. Code’s just an expression of a solution. Solving problems in code require a lot of decision making.
It also talks about how real connections matter:
Some individuals have defended large language models by saying that most of what human beings say or write isn’t particularly original. That is true, but it’s also irrelevant. When someone says “I’m sorry” to you, it doesn’t matter that other people have said sorry in the past; it doesn’t matter that “I’m sorry” is a string of text that is statistically unremarkable. If someone is being sincere, their apology is valuable and meaningful, even though apologies have previously been uttered.
Perhaps my favourite part:
We are entering an era where someone might use a large language model to generate a document out of a bulleted list, and send it to a person who will use a large language model to condense that document into a bulleted list. Can anyone seriously argue that this is an improvement?
No, it isn’t.
Strategy and focus
Great quote from “Good Strategy/Bad Strategy: The difference and why it matters” by Richard Rumelt: “If the business is really successful, then there is usually a good strategic logic behind that success, be it hidden or not. But the truth is that many companies, especially large complex companies, don’t really have strategies. At the core,…
What kind of principal engineer are you?
What kind of principal / staff engineer are you? This is a really good guide around what each type of role entails. One of the reasons why a single levelling guideline for an IC is really tough.
The four common archetypes of Staff-plus roles I encountered are:
❶ The Tech Lead guides the approach and execution of a particular team. They partner closely with a single manager, but sometimes they partner with two or three managers within a focused area. Some companies also have a Tech Lead Manager role, which is similar to the Tech Lead archetype but exists on the engineering manager ladder and includes people management responsibilities.
❷ The Architect is responsible for the direction, quality, and approach within a critical area. They combine in-depth knowledge of technical constraints, user needs, and organization level leadership.
❸ The Solver digs deep into arbitrarily complex problems and finds an appropriate path forward. Some focus on a given area for long periods. Others bounce from hotspot to hotspot as guided by organizational leadership.
❹ The Right Hand extends an executive’s attention, borrowing their scope and authority to operate particularly complex organizations. They provide additional leadership bandwidth to leaders of large-scale organizations.
Great read: the man who killed Google Search
…Google’s response to the Code Yellow was to roll back changes that were made to maintain the quality of search results.
Yikes. It is yet another story about corporate greed destroying a great products. Passionate write up, well worth the read: https://www.wheresyoured.at/the-men-who-killed-google/
Thanks @Rob for the share. Coverage of Boeing troubles by John Olivier
was another hot take on good products going astray under new management. -
A week in Phuket
Recently, we spent a week in Phuket (Thailand) to get away from our busy work schedules to just chill by the beach. Phuket is an island at the south of Thailand. It is mostly a tourist island with stunning beaches, bright blue waters, great resorts and delicious local food. Here are some pix!
Future of the web
I recently had the opportunity to attend WordCamp Asia in Taipei. It was my first time in a WordPress community event. One of the key takeaways for me was that WordPress adoption was in decline. Not only that, behind closed doors, I got to hear that number of websites created on the web overall is…