Tag: web

  • Future of the web

    Future of the web

    I recently had the opportunity to attend WordCamp Asia in Taipei. It was my first time in a WordPress community event. One of the key takeaways for me was that WordPress adoption was in decline. Not only that, behind closed doors, I got to hear that number of websites created on the web overall is…

  • The Verge redesigns, breaking out of Google reliance

    The Verge redesigns, breaking out of Google reliance

    Verge is my #1 place to get tech news. I read it daily. Last week, I visited the site to see a complete overhaul of the design of the homepage. You can read more about the redesign here. Coming from a background of AB testing the smallest changes in, I found this move to be…

  • Problems with Bootstrap and Google Maps

    If you are having problems with image controls not showing up properly on Google Maps while using alongside Twitter Bootstrap, use this: