
Play the long game with people, the short game with outcomes

Recently, @henry sent over my 2020 performance evaluation I had shared with him. I was just about to go from Principal to Director role. I’m still trying to get good at this. Such wonderful advice from @AC. Thanks boss!

Play the long game with people, the short game with outcomes. Knowing how much to push, when to push and how hard is an art. With technology decisions its pretty easy, there is often a right answer and a wrong answer, often the wrong answer is no decision. However with people its a bit different and Dineth can show his frustrations at times when someone is not keeping up. Dineth is great at setting a high bar, this year he will have the opportunity to set a high bar, coach and help his team to hit it but also Dineth will need to make hard calls when someone isn’t going to be able to make it. This takes time and practice and I would like to see this be a big focus of his this year.


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