As you all know, Suneth and I are working on 60Hz 2.0 and we had the weirdest date related problem yesterday. We have a weekly calendar which tells you when your library shows air and what are the premiering (returning or new series) airing on any particular day.
Yesterday, our calendar looked like this!!

After a lot of digging around the problem was this: yesterday, Sydney timezone rolled back an hour due to day light savings.
We calculate each day by dropping its time component from [NSDate date]. We use a special category which gives us today [NSDate today] and work our way back to calculate the week and all the other relative days. For the first cell, which is correct, we have April 7th, Midnight. When it comes to Monday, Sydney rolled an hour backwards. Instead of getting April 8 Midnight, we’re getting April 7th, 11PM. This accounts for the second 7th of April! After looking for bugs in all over the code, we finally figured it out.
The fix was to simply take midday for today calculations. Adding 12 hours to today fixes and stays away from all kinds of DST issues (I hope).
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