Tag: iOS

  • App Store

    App Store

    Something we used to talk about in university was the impact an operating system can have on people. A system designer imagines the future and creates capabilities that its users can leverage. It is a form of influence on users to adopt the imagined future. Users, however, behave in unpredictable ways. A system starts to…

  • Why make an iOS app first?

    This is a regular discussion that happens under every article on The Verge about some new iOS app. So far they are all flames thrown at each camp. This poster had a really good answer with good supporting facts. I thought it was worth sharing: mfocazio It’s not “gibberish” – it’s fact: 1. Android users…

  • Trouble with Time Zones and Day Light Savings in iOS

    As you all know, Suneth and I are working on 60Hz 2.0 and we had the weirdest date related problem yesterday. We have a weekly calendar which tells you when your library shows air and what are the premiering (returning or new series) airing on any particular day.​ Yesterday, our calendar looked like this!!​ ​…