Author: dineth
We changed looks. Now we change names. Your favourite TV tracker is now running at 60Hz.
tvQ is 60Hz. We had a great launch for our latest TV tracking app about a week ago. It’s a new app rewritten with all your feedback from 1.0, with a fresh take on TV and movie tracking and of course, a fresh new icon with a sleek new user interface. Now it’s time for a new name too! What…
60Hz 2.0 is Out on the App Store
So go get it!!! Download links: 60Hz for iPhone // 60Hz for iPad iPhone version will remain FREE till the end of 10th of May.Thank you for downloading 😉
Designing 60Hz 2.0
I love watching TV shows. I spend about an hour a day on it at least. It’s not just TV, I love movies too. I love the stories in them. It is another world of imagination where there are no limits. I gravitate towards shows which have a long running story, like Game of Thrones.…
Why Design is Important
A lot of the time, design is a step that is left up to the developer working on a feature. He/she is given full liberty to make a decision on the user interface. Often, there is not enough to make an informed decision on the UI, even though he may be capable of coming up…
Making 60Hz App Demo Video
Product demo video can go a long way in promoting your product. However, getting a video done is quite difficult. Usually an app developer isn’t equipped with video skills. External sources can quote for a video anywhere from $5k to $20k, which is quite steep! With the launch of 60Hz 2.0, we wanted a video…
Wisdom on Pricing Software
Recently I came across this excellent blog post, “Million Dollar Art“, by Nate Otto on the Signal vs Noise blog. I started thinking, how relevant is it for software? Can you simply put a million, or even 30 grand price tag on software? We first discussed it at work and there was the rational opinion…
How is Facebook Chat Heads possible on Android?
This has been the question since the day I saw Facebook unveil the new Facebook Home suite of apps. Workmate of mine (@stevelarkin_) might have found the answer on good-ol’ StackOverflow! Basically, you are able to spawn a service which draws directly on to the Android System’s WindowManager by adding a new subview on…
Passing session keys in headers for Embjer.JS Data REST calls
First thing you have to do is to override the RESTAdapter if you aren’t already. The ajax function is the key. It is given the jQuery hash that will get passed down so all you have to do is to populate the beforeSend key with a function like below. The ‘xhr’ passed in can be…
Trouble with Time Zones and Day Light Savings in iOS
As you all know, Suneth and I are working on 60Hz 2.0 and we had the weirdest date related problem yesterday. We have a weekly calendar which tells you when your library shows air and what are the premiering (returning or new series) airing on any particular day. Yesterday, our calendar looked like this!! …
Windows 8 Should Have Shipped With… Windows
I think Windows 8 is great. It is fast, the UI is simplified and it is a much needed reset for the Windows ecosystem. The problem is, however, the way Microsoft’s latest desktop offering ignores the desktop users altogether. Windows, as its name states, has always been about desktop + windows. This is a metaphor…