Tag: process

  • How much planning is enough?

    How much planning is enough?

    Few years back, I was sitting in Bunker Coffee with Luke for our 1:1. Luke tells me, “you know, no matter how hard you plan, the error rate of our decision doesn’t change much. If we take path A today versus next week, after having a whole lot more meetings, we still don’t know what…

  • How to drive your teams to care more about operational excellence?

    How to drive your teams to care more about operational excellence?

    When an operational outcomes needs to be achieved, we are after a predictable and repeatable process. This means that we can’t approach the execution of these outcomes like a creative task, allowing makers to self-organise. “OpEx” is an area where rigidity helps. We can approach “Operational Excellence” on 2 fronts: Here are a few ideas…

  • Attributing value to teams in large organizations

    Attributing value to teams in large organizations

    In a large tech company, there are layers and layers of teams that contribute to the success of a product or service offered. Many of these layers tend to only have indirect impact on customers. Teams that have a direct relationship with customers tend to have a lot of power. They bear the burden of…