Tag: facebook

  • Why Facebook is having a tough time regulating content?

    Why Facebook is having a tough time regulating content?

    It is a diversity problem. Facebook sees its users as a singular global community, much like how we are all citizens of planet Earth. Facebook regulates by having a common set of rules it has decided as the community standard. This standard evolves and changes all the time as it is challenged with new and…

  • How is Facebook Chat Heads possible on Android?

    This has been the question since the day I saw Facebook unveil the new Facebook Home suite of apps. Workmate of mine (@stevelarkin_) might have found the answer on good-ol’ StackOverflow! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13346111/draw-overlay-in-android-system-wide ​Basically, you are able to spawn a service which draws directly on to the Android System’s WindowManager by adding a new subview on…