Category: Featured

  • Big redesign in the sky

    Big redesign in the sky

    This is perhaps one of the greatest articles every written on software rewrites. Every single developer should read and understand what it is trying to say. …but the reality of green field projects is that they create the illusion that your messes don’t matter. Your messes do matter. Every single one of your messes matters.…

  • How much planning is enough?

    How much planning is enough?

    Few years back, I was sitting in Bunker Coffee with Luke for our 1:1. Luke tells me, “you know, no matter how hard you plan, the error rate of our decision doesn’t change much. If we take path A today versus next week, after having a whole lot more meetings, we still don’t know what…

  • Companies Grow

    Companies Grow

    As successful products increase in revenue, companies grow. Growth allows a company to improve their products, support more customers and create additional value-add services. Growing up isn’t easy. As a handful of engineers become hundreds, or even thousands, the added weight introduces many issues. These can often lead to the opposite outcomes of what growth…

  • Learnings from “Seeing like a State” by James C Scott

    Learnings from “Seeing like a State” by James C Scott

    Seeing like a State inspects attempts of states bringing “administrative order of nature and society” that’s led to disastrous outcomes. It is an interesting window into inspecting how large, people based systems work at scale. High Modernism The book inspects state’s appetite to use “high modernism” to solve issues at scale. “High modernism is a…

  • Do “basics” well

    Do “basics” well

    High performing teams are about interperson chemistry that is built on a foundation of the “basics”. Take sports for example. Learning to play a sport require you to learn the rules and develop basic skills to play. For soccer, it would be passing, tackling, lobbing and shooting. When you join a team, there’s drills, runs…

  • How to create a great pitch video for your idea

    Creating a professional video is expensive and extremely time consuming. When done right, a video can be very effective in getting users and spreading your idea to a large audience. For a small startup, videos might end up taking their entire marketing budget! I’ve been exploring ways to pitch an idea effectively while keeping time and…