Category: Design

  • The Verge redesigns, breaking out of Google reliance

    The Verge redesigns, breaking out of Google reliance

    Verge is my #1 place to get tech news. I read it daily. Last week, I visited the site to see a complete overhaul of the design of the homepage. You can read more about the redesign here. Coming from a background of AB testing the smallest changes in, I found this move to be…

  • This year, everything should go “Touch-first”

    This year, everything should go “Touch-first”

    Happy 2017! I’ve been considering buying an iPad Pro. I’ve always felt that the iPad is an “in-between” device that can’t fit my life well. But there is proof that the desktop is getting… deprecated. Here’s a good article from The Verge that talks about it. Is it time to transition over? By the end…

  • My 21st century wedding proposal with Paper for iPad

    My 21st century wedding proposal with Paper for iPad

    Proposals. Oh man. So much pressure to get this right and it is filled with social expectations! Having dated Dinusha for 6 years, it was my turn to pop the question. I honestly just didn’t want it to be lame. After months of back and forth with a jeweller, I got the ring. I wanted to…

  • Mobile First Design

    If you are designing for many screen sizes, where should you begin? Traditionally, most designers will start the design process at desktop size. This is where most content is going to fit in well. Then you figure out how to squeeze it down to a tablet, then a phone. I believe this is the wrong…

  • Apps that grow with you

    It’s difficult to make a good app. But it’s even more difficult to make an app that grows and matures with the user: something that starts off basic and overtime, as more knowledge is shared between you and the app, more in-depth features are revealed to appeal to a more mature, advanced version of you.…

  • Designing 60Hz 2.0

    I love watching TV shows. I spend about an hour a day on it at least. It’s not just TV, I love movies too. I love the stories in them. It is another world of imagination where there are no limits. I gravitate towards shows which have a long running story, like Game of Thrones.…

  • Why Design is Important

    A lot of the time, design is a step that is left up to the developer working on a feature. He/she is given full liberty to make a decision on the user interface. Often, there is not enough to make an informed decision on the UI, even though he may be capable of coming up…

  • Windows 8 Should Have Shipped With… Windows

    I think Windows 8 is great. It is fast, the UI is simplified and it is a much needed reset for the Windows ecosystem. The problem is, however, the way Microsoft’s latest desktop offering ignores the desktop users altogether. Windows, as its name states, has always been about desktop + windows. This is a metaphor…

  • Coming up with a fresh icon for 60Hz app

    We’ve been working hard to get tvQ 2.0 out on the App Store (currently doing some beta testing). We really needed a new icon that captured the essence of our new UI and still kept a somewhat familiar vibe.​ Needed it to be cleaner, more modern and still very much recognisable on the iPhone dashboard.…