Author: dineth
Questions for Engineering Manager interviews
These are some questions I’ve had written down as we looked for a manager a while ago. Not an exhaustive list or the top 10. Just some questions worth thinking about. Hope this helps. Motivation Maker Mindset Feedback Conflict Resolution Mentorship Technology Morale Prioritisation
Pace Layering
This is a fantastic read about how ecological systems, like human society, are arranged in layers. Some layers react quickly to changes while others move very slow. These layered systems absorb shocks, survive and sustain change. Perhaps the most interesting is to understand how things go wrong. Each layer must respect the different pace of…
Meno’s Paradox and Fallacy of Equivocation
I learned about 2 interesting concepts over the weekend, thanks to Reddit and MasterMementoMori. The fallacy of equivocation is when the same concept or word is applied in two separate contexts but a conclusion is drawn disregarding those different contexts. “A PB&J is better than nothing. Nothing is better than being in love. Therefore a PB&J is…
Business outcomes vs customer outcomes
My parents grow a bunch of fruits and vegetables at home. Their little garden produces about 1000 oranges, all at the same time. So my mum calls around to see if any of her family and friends will take some off her hands. My parents would make trips to all their friends’ places with boxes…
Happy 2023!
Took a short break from writing to do something different. Aside from ingesting large amounts of festive treats, I started to learn a little about developing games, especially about game engines. I started my journey with Godot open sourced game engine. Simple, easy to learn and lots of fun. I abandoned it when I realised…
How much planning is enough?
Few years back, I was sitting in Bunker Coffee with Luke for our 1:1. Luke tells me, “you know, no matter how hard you plan, the error rate of our decision doesn’t change much. If we take path A today versus next week, after having a whole lot more meetings, we still don’t know what…
🎧 Difference between RGB, CMYK and Pantone AI Photoshop, robot art, and a big fight about the future of colors. We covered all that on the latest episode of The Vergecast, along with what Dall-E and other platforms will mean for copyright law, the difference between CMYK and RGB, and much more. AI art is coming, y’all! I finally know why…
Conflict Resolution
Recently, my friend shared this story over dinner. He is an iOS developer. He had been tasked to create a core component for his company’s design system: a container view that sweeps over other views. But there was an issue with how padding was applied. The designer in charge of the component insisted there should…
🎧 Is Google Search getting worse?
Great Freakanomics podcast episode to inspect if Google Search is getting worse. There is a part in there about how Google accidentally ran a 1% hold out group that don’t see ads for 8 years. They found “3 percent more searches from people who had ads than didn’t”. Great insight. If you liked that episode,…
Companies Grow
As successful products increase in revenue, companies grow. Growth allows a company to improve their products, support more customers and create additional value-add services. Growing up isn’t easy. As a handful of engineers become hundreds, or even thousands, the added weight introduces many issues. These can often lead to the opposite outcomes of what growth…